Hourly charge rates (GST inclusive) for the professional time of an accountant engaged in your affairs are:
Principal Tax Agent: $320.00
Qualified Accountant: $290.00
Bookkeeping Services: $110.00
Additional costs may be incurred due to the complexity of the tax return or the document format.
We prefer that documents be uploaded to the client portal or emailed and summarised in an Excel spreadsheet with numerous receipts.
If multiple emails are required to work through queries, this will incur additional charges at time cost. Handling non-standard ATO Correspondence (i.e. excess superannuation, ATO debt, etc.), negotiating payment arrangements, and requesting remission of interest and penalties will incur additional charges.
Personal Income Tax Return Base Fee - $220.00
Detailed Personal Tax Return (Complex) - $330.00
Franking Credit Return from - $121.00
In addition to our base fee:
Australian Residential Rental Property - $220.00
Air BnB, Holiday or NRAS Property (per property) add - $110.00
Foreign Rental property (per property) add - $110.00
Additional Rental Properties (per property) add - 220.00
Capital Gains for shares (per holding from) - $33.00 (per holding)
Capital Gains for Investment Property from - $280.00 (per property)
Cryptocurrency Annual Tax Statement from - $79.00
Client Update: Advise the ATO a Return(s) are not necessary - $79.00
In addition to our base fee:
Motor vehicle logbook method - $55.00
Motor vehicle interest amortisation schedule(s) prepared by us (per loan) - $55.00
Holiday home/rental property private usage during the financial year - $110.00
Mixed-use investment loans (per loan) - $55.00
Quarterly Business Activity Statements (BAS) - $198.00 – $495.00
Sole Trader Business Return (no GST Registration, no financial statements) - $440.00 – $1,490.00
Sole Trader Business Return (with GST Registration, no financial statements) - $660.00 – $1,990.00
Trust & Partnership Returns (no GST Registration, no financial statements) - $440.00 – $1,490.00
Trust & Partnership Returns (with GST Registration, no financial statements) - $880.00 – $1,990.00
Special Purpose Financial Reports (financial statements) - $440.00–$990.00
Small Company Returns (no financials) - $1,320–$3,300
ABN & GST-related registrations (per registration) - $110.00
Taxable Payment Annual Reports (TPAR) - $220.00 to $550.00
TFN Application (deceased estate) - $165.00 (per application)
Income Tax return to Date of Death - $495.00 - $1,100.00
Testamentary Trust Tax Return - $660.00 - $1,650.00
Income Tax Returns (not prepared or lodged by us from) - $220.00
Income Tax Returns (prepared by us, additional information) from - $79.00
CGT Withholding Clearance Certificate (sale of Australian property) - $275.00 (per certificate)
Accountants ‘Sophisticated Investor’ Certificate - $320.00 (per certificate)
Written tax advice (hourly rate applies, minimum) - $320.00
Objecting to an ATO assessment or decision (hourly rate applies, minimum) $320.00
You will always receive an electronic copy of any tax documents we produce on your behalf.
If you require an additional copy at any time, we reserve the right to charge $33.00 per document for providing it.
© 2024 Canberra Tax Solutions | ABN: 43 600 434 005
Located in Canberra, servicing clients Australia-wide
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Canberra Tax Solutions is not licensed to provide financial product advice under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
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