A one-off fee for each new client is charged for secure online identity verification using Annature in accordance with the Tax Practitioners Board guidelines.
A standard return is for a typical salary or wage earner who provides a summary of their deductions or uses our tax checklist. This return includes claiming standard deductions and other sources of income, e.g., bank interest, up to 4 dividends, and/or 4 managed funds with an annual tax statement, and determining the eligibility and claim for any tax offsets and rebates.
Capital gains/loss calculations incur additional fees.
This fee applies to tax returns with complex, extensive, or high-value deductions, returns that, by their nature, require additional time and expertise, returns containing more than 5 dividends and/or 5 Managed Funds (ETF) distributions, or cryptocurrency income (airdrops and staking rewards) using our tax checklist.
Capital gains/loss calculations incur additional fees.
Calculations for motor vehicles using the logbook method (e.g., calculating fuel costs, deductible interest expense, accounting for the disposal of an existing vehicle, or depreciation on a new motor vehicle).
Calculating the Capital gain/loss calculations on shares or managed funds (ETFs) (not using DRP) – regardless of outcome (per shareholding).
Calculating the Capital gain/loss calculations on shares or managed funds (ETFs) (using a DRP) – regardless of outcome (per shareholding).
Using CryptoTax Calculator, a Tax Report determines any income (on airdrops and staking rewards) and capital gain/loss amounts for the financial year. The fee depends on the number of transactions.
Our standard tax return and one investment property using our detailed rental property checklist or a Real Estate Agents Annual Statement.
For each additional Australian residential investment property using our detailed rental property checklist or a Real Estate Agents Annual Statement.
Calculating the Capital Gain or Loss implications when you sell an Australian residential property and need to include this in your Income Tax Return. The final fee will ultimately depend on the quality of records and complexity.
If you have missed depreciation or other deductions in a prior year tax return on your Australian residential property and wish us to amend prior year(s) returns. Amendments can only be made within 2 years from the date the ATO issues a Notice of Assessment. The fee is per tax return amendment per financial year.
Income based assessment.
This is for micro sole trader businesses or subcontractors NOT registered for GST, with an annual business turnover of $20,000 or less and up to 5 business deductions.
Balancing adjustment calculations [the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
For sole traders NOT registered for GST, no employees with an annual turnover between $20,001 and less than $75,000, where you or your Bookkeeper supply a profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Adviser level access to your accounting software will be required.
Balancing adjustment calculations [the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
For sole traders registered for GST, no employees with an annual turnover between $75,000 & $150,000, with self-prepared Business Activity Statements and profit and loss statement and balance sheet provided by you. Adviser level access to your accounting software will be required.
Balancing adjustment calculations [the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
For taxi and Uber drivers with an annual turnover between $75,000 & $150,000, with prepared Business Activity Statements and profit and loss statements and balance sheet prepared by us or your Bookkeeper. This includes a motor vehicle logbook claim. Adviser level access to your accounting software will be required.
Balancing adjustment calculations [the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
New sole trader ABN & GST registration (if required).
GST registration or deregistration for existing ABN holders.
A Quarterly Business Activity Statement with summarised information supplied by you or your Bookkeeper. The fee will ultimately depend on the number of transactions and the actual time spent reviewing information. Adviser level access to your accounting software will be required.
GST Returns for the whole financial year are generally only applicable if your income for the year is less than $75,000 and you have voluntarily registered for GST. The fee will ultimately depend on the number of transactions and actual time spent.
Reporting of payments made to contractors during the financial year for the building and construction, cleaning, road freight, couriers, information technology and security, investigation or surveillance industries. The fee will ultimately depend on the number of contractors and actual time spent.
Partnership return for 2 partners NOT registered for GST, no employees with an annual turnover under $75,000, where you supply a profit & loss statement and balance sheet, including distribution statements. Balancing adjustment calculations [for the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
This fee does not include Individual Tax Returns.
Partnership return for 2 partners registered for GST, with no employees and an annual turnover between $75,000 and $150,000, with prepared Business Activity Statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheet provided by you, or where we complete your BAS, including distribution statements. Balancing adjustment calculations [for the sale of plant or equipment] will incur additional fees.
This fee does not include Individual Tax Returns.
A Quarterly Business Activity Statement with summarised information supplied by you or your Bookkeeper. The fee will ultimately depend on the number of transactions and the actual time spent reviewing information. Adviser level access to your accounting software will be required.
GST Returns for the whole financial year are generally only applicable if your income for the year is less than $75,000 and you have voluntarily registered for GST. The fee will ultimately depend on the number of transactions and actual time spent.
Our standard Individual tax return to the date of death includes reviewing all financial information and determining if further tax returns (a testamentary trust return) are required, and advising the ATO that no further individual tax returns are required.
Capital gains/loss calculations incur additional fees.
A one off fee for an application for a new Tax File Number for the Trust return(s).
A Testamentary trust tax return that covers income and deductions post date of death, including beneficiary distribution statements (if required). A new trust Tax File Number (TFN) is needed for the 1st year only.
Capital gain/ loss calculations will incur additional fees.
Calculating the Capital gain/loss calculations on shares or managed funds (ETFs) (not using DRP) – regardless of outcome (per shareholding).
Calculating the Capital gain/loss calculations on shares or managed funds (ETFs) (using a DRP) – regardless of outcome (per shareholding).
Calculating the Capital Gain or Loss implications when you sell a property and need to include this in your Income Tax Return. The fee will ultimately depend on the quality of records, complexity and actual time spent.
© 2024 Canberra Tax Solutions | ABN: 43 600 434 005
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation